Special Needs Child Support

The special needs adjustment is intended to permit the individual needs of a child to be addressed where physical or emotional circumstances create a legitimate need for additional support, and to permit the expenses of such needs to be fairly allocated between the parents. Tutors, special schooling programs, chronic medical needs, institutional care, and other requirements unique to the child are addressed in this adjustment on a dollar-for-dollar basis, and allocated between the parents.

If, for example, a child has a medical condition which requires continual medication costing $100 per month which is paid entirely by the custodial mother, this adjustment can be used to increase the child support payable by the child’s father to provide an on-going reimbursement to the mother for the father’s share of the medication expense without the necessity of repeated appearances for motions for reimbursement, or waiting for insurance claim processing. The allocation of the expense between the parents should be proportionate to their income percentages

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